Wednesday 11 March 2009

Audience Feedback Questions...

1. What aspect of the trailer did you like the most? Why?

2. What aspect of the trailer did you like the least? Why?

3. What do you think could be changed or included to make the trailer more effective?

4. What aspect of the DVD cover did you like the most? Why?

5. What aspect of the DVD cover did you like the least? Why?

6. What do you think could be changed or included to make the DVD cover more effective?

7. What aspect of the poster did you like the most? Why?

8. What aspect of the poster did you like the least? Why?

9. What do you think could be changed or included to make the poster more effective?

Monday 15 December 2008


Tina is busy doing the Christmas concert rehersals and so I won't be able to film her for the shots I was going to add in the trailer. Also, the resolution on the pictures I have already taken for the film poster and DVD cover are too small, and I have to re-shoot them. But, I need Tina to be in them, and she is busy so now I have to think of something else I can use on the front cover which still links to the genre and narrative of the film.

Monday 8 December 2008

Where I Am...

I have nearly finished my trailer, but I need to film a couple of shots of Tina to add in random places of the trailer to give the audience a sort of idea of who she is and what she looks like. I am then going to take some more pictures of Tina for the DVD cover. I will do all of this sometime this week and then just add them into my products.

Monday 1 December 2008

Character Profile...

Name: Crystan Suckling
Character: Sophie Starling
The main 'leader' of the group who starts and encourages the bullying of Chloe (Tina Mehmet) which eventually leads to her death.

Name: Anastasia Sotirou
Character: Summer Jones
One of the three friends who bullied and eventually caused the death of Chloe.
Name: Rehana Khan
Character: Mia Khan
One of the three friends who bullied and eventually caused the death of Chloe (Tina Mehmet).

Treatment for 'Absent'

Sometimes…Revenge Isn’t So Sweet…
Three Sixth Formers; Sophie Starling (Crystan Suckling), Summer Jones (Anastasia Sotirou), and Mia Khan (Rehana Khan) stay behind after school to finish off a class project. Little do they know that they’re past will come back to haunt them. An incident which happened in 6 years ago (in year 7) caused one of their classmates to commit suicide. Bullied and abused throughout the whole year by Sophie, Summer and Mia, Chloe Burdette (Tina Mehmet) slit her wrist before drowning herself in the school swimming pool. Treated as an outcast, and having the whole year turned against her by these three girls meant she had no choice and could no longer deal with the isolation. Now, 6 years later Chloe has come back to seek for her revenge. Locking all three students inside the school Chloe begins her vengeance. One by one she torments and tortures them dreadfully before finally killing them in ways you would not think possible.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Thursday 23 October 2008

What I Have Done So Far...

I have completed my storyboard for the trailer and on tuesday I done some filming and took many different images for the film poster and DVD cover. I have uploaded all of my footage and have started editing. I have chosen and cut the clips I want to use for the trailer. I now need to start the mock-ups for my DVD cover and film poster and start listening to soundtracks for the trailer as I will not be using any voice-over or actual sounds from the film.