Monday 22 September 2008

Audience Research - Graphs and Results

My audience research consisted of 3 males and 7 females; as you can see from the bar chart. From this result, I have decided that my target audience are going to be females.
The majority of my respondents were aged between 15 and 19, and only 3 respondents were aged between 20 and 25. This suggests that my film trailer, poster and DVD should be aimed at quite a young audience.

All of my respondents were students, therefore I am going to ensure that my film applies to them and they can relate to it.

This bar chart shows that the majority of my respondents like Comedy films. They also enjoy Horror, Thriller and Gangster. Due to these results, I have decided that the genre for my film is going to be horror.

As you can see, 80% (8/10) of my respondents prefer mainstream films to independent films, and only 20% (2/10) of my respondents preferred independent to mainstream films. Therefore, my film is going to be mainstream.

The majority of my respondents said that film trailers did influence their decision to go and watch a film. Only 2 people said that it didn’t influence their decision as much because only the good parts of a film are put into the trailer, and this doesn’t make the whole film good, or worthwhile to watch.

6 out of 10 respondents said that film posters influenced whether they would go to watch it. Reasons for this included; ‘I see if there are actor/actresses in the film I rate as good’ and ‘if the film poster looks interesting, I will eventually be attracted to the film’.
However, those who chose ‘No’ had reasons such as; ‘can’t see what’s going on’ and ‘a poster does not tell a storyline’.

This chart above shows what the respondents get most influenced by to buy a DVD. The majority of the respondents said it was just because they liked the film.

65% of my respondents said that they found film trailers the most persuasive advertising. This shows that the film trailer which I will produce will have quite a large audience, as the majority of these respondents have already stated that this is the most persuasive of advertising. The next most persuasive way of film advertising was film posters/billboards. This again means that the film poster I will produce will have a large audience.
Results – 10 respondents

1. What gender are you?
Male 3
Female 7

2. What is your ethnicity?
White 1
Asian 4
Black African 3
Black Caribbean 1
Other Chinese/Philippians

3. How old are you?
15 – 19 7
20 – 25 3
26 – 30 0
31 – 35 0
36 – 40 0
41 – 45 0
46 – 50 0
50+ 0

4. Where do you live?
Inner London 8
Suburbs 2
Countryside 0

5. What is your occupation?
Student x 10
Music Producer
Part time lifeguard

6. What is your favourite film genre?
Horror 4
Comedy 6
Romance 2
Thriller 3
Science Fiction
Gangster 3
Romantic Comedy
Action/Adventure 2

7. What do you like about this particular genre?
Horror and Thriller - The thrill and scariness it brings
Comedy – Light-hearted, makes you laugh, doesn’t require concentration in following a complex plot, cheers you up
Action/Adventure – It’s fun and gritty to watch
Comedy – I like funny movies
Gangster – It’s gory, can contain dark humour and provides pure unsaturated action
Horror, Comedy, Thriller and Gangster – Because their funny and normally have really good plots and twists within the film
Comedy and Thriller – Thriller – something that makes me think and keeps me on the edge of my seat. Comedy – Just for fun!
Horror, Comedy and Romance – It makes a good film, and interesting to watch
Horror, Comedy and Romance – Enjoy watching it because it can be very emotional and heart-whelming
Gangster and Action/Adventure – What I wish I was like

8. Do you prefer mainstream or independent films?

Mainstream 8
Independent 2

Mainstream: -
- More interesting
- Better actors and directing, better quality effects and props
- Better quality as more money is being used
- More people to discuss movie with
- Haven’t really watched enough indie films to compare, but I like
special effects
- I feel more into it rather than watching it on my own
- Everyone can relate to one part of the film
- Better quality, hot celebs
Independent: -
- They portray real life more
- Because they always seem more honest and the storylines
seem to have been worked on harder

9. What is your favourite film?
The Godfather
The Ring
Don’t have one
I am Legend
High Fidelity
Wild Child
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (Bollywood film)
SAW’s, Ocean 11, 12, 13, National Treasure

LOTR – Because the SFX, acting, and script lived up to the legend that was the book
The Godfather – Because it’s fantastic
The Ring - Scary
Don’t have one – (blank)
I am Legend – It was a big epic movie that I loved the whole way through
Hancock – It was so funny
High Fidelity – Because I loved the book; it’s really funny, and I love John Cusack and the way he directly talks to the audience
Wild Child – Because it’s a good girly film and interesting to watch
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (Bollywood film) – Has my favourite actor (Shahrukh Khan), and I think the storyline is brilliant and heart-touching
SAW’s, Ocean 11, 12, 13, National Treasure – The LEGEND

10. Who is your favourite film actor?
Dustin Hoffman
Tom Hank
Johnny Depp
Don’t have one
Will Smith
Martin Lawrence
John Cusack
Will Smith
Shahrukh Khan
Nicholas Cage

Dustin Hoffman – Because he’s absolutely effortless at what he does and makes it seem surreal. The guy’s a legend
Tom Hank – Because he likes to take on interesting roles, and he is very talented
Johnny Depp - Fit
Don’t have one – (blank)
Will Smith – Because he’s funny to watch in every movie he does
Martin Lawrence – He’s funny
John Cusack – Because he’s a brilliant actor and rather handsome
Will Smith – Because he’s hot!!!
Shahrukh Khan – He is BEAUTIFUL! He can portray any role realistically, and show great emotions
Nicholas Cage - LEGEND

11. Do film trailers influence your decision to watch a film?
Yes 8
No 2

Yes: -
- Because if a trailer is boring, I won’t want to see the film
- They show you what the film is roughly about, because sometimes the
names don’t give you much of a clue and show you what to expect
from it
- So that I’m able to see whether it’s worth watching
- You can tell if the film will be good or not
- Because I like to gain a little insight into the film before viewing it
- Because they always show the interesting parts
- They mostly do, because they give an idea about what the film is like
- If they look good with an interesting storyline
No: -
- Because a trailer is the best sections or shots in a film put together.
Doesn’t make the movie good
- Because I follow my heart

12. Do you like film trailers which show a lot of the narrative or those which don’t show as much and create more suspense? Why?
A lot of narrative: -
- Show narrative – then you know what you are seeing.
Create suspense: -
- If a film trailer shows me the majority of the narrative it means I
will not view the movie because I know the storyline. However, if
it is the latter then I am anxious to know more.
- I prefer ones that don’t give too much of the narrative and plot
as they create more suspense and you want to go see the film.
- I like suspense as it gets me more into the film and suspense
makes it more interesting.
- Suspense, because I don’t want to hear the best lines and stuff
before I see the film. I don’t want them to give too much away
and I want it to be all new when I watch it. But I want to see
enough to make me want to see it all.
- I think creating more suspense will influence me to want to
watch more.
- Films that create more suspense.
- I prefer ones that create more suspense because they leave
more to the imagination which makes the film viewing more
- Create more suspense, because it makes you wonder what
could happen next.
- Which don’t show narrative, because I prefer to watch and
understand the film myself, rather than it being narrated to me.

13. Do film posters influence whether you watch a film?

Yes 6
No 4

Yes: -
- If the poster is high quality and interesting, I’ll look it up and go see it.
- Because if the film poster looks interesting, I will eventually be
attracted to the film.
- It helps to remind me of when the movie is coming out.
- Sometimes, because I see if there are actor/actresses in the film that I
rate as good.
- If it looks pretty then I will watch it.
- Yes sometimes, it again gives you an idea and clue about what the film
may contain, and genre.
No: -
- Because a poster doesn’t tell a storyline; anyone could make a poster.
- Because even an amazing looking poster can be for a poor quality film, and good films have bad posters. Posters have no relation to content.
- Not much detail.
- Can’t see what’s going on – unless hot guy on the poster.

14. What most influences whether you buy a DVD?
Reviews of the film 2
Genre 1
Narrative of film 3
Actors in the film 3
You haven’t watched the film 1
You just like the film 6
The cover 0

15. What type of film advertising do you find most persuasive?
Film reviews 2
Film trailers 9
Film posters/Billboards 3
Radio adverts 0
Magazine adverts 0
Newspaper adverts 0

16. From the ones who have chosen above, where do you usually see/listen to these advertisements?
Film Reviews – Mostly in Empire Magazine, but it doesn’t have a final say on final judgment.
Film Reviews, Film trailers and Film posters/Billboards – Adverts on TV, cinema, bus stops, sides of buses.
Film trailers – On TV
Film trailers – In cinemas, previews or TV.
Film trailers – On the internet.
Film trailers – TV/Cinema.
Film trailers – When I’m at the cinema/on TV.
Film trailers and Film posters/Billboards – On TV.
Film trailers and Film posters/Billboards – Watch on the television, and see on the streets.
Film trailers – TV, cinema.

17. What aspects of these advertisements do you like?
Film Reviews – Most of the time film reviews are right, and worth reading because if a review says a movie is shit, then it most probably is.
Film Reviews, Film trailers and Film posters/Billboards – (blank)
Film trailers – I always like a preview in a film. It gives me a taste of the film.
Film trailers – The action/comedy/catchy bits they show. The music and actors they introduce. Lets me know if any actors I like are in it.
Film trailers – Able to give more broad insight.
Film trailers – Film highlights.
Film trailers – The excitement.
Film trailers and Film posters/Billboards – Everything, the clothes to the actors.
Film trailers and Film posters/Billboards – Film trailers give you an insight into the film.
Film trailers – Suspense, not knowing.

1 comment:

DG said...

The first three sections are a little odd as your conclusions are based around a small and unspecified target audience. The research is in effect a self fulfillng prophecy. Your subsequent engagement with the research is better, if still a little basic and simplistic. Try to apply the same level of analysis expected in English to your Media work. It will stand up to the same type of analysis.