Thursday 25 September 2008

Product Research - Film Posters

The colours used in this poster are very dark. The background is black and there is an image of the woods at the top of the poster. This image is in shadow creating a mysterious feel. The logo for the film is placed in the centre of the poster with the text explaining the history of the film. This text is shown at the beginning of the trailer, and also at the beginning of the actual film; and now that it is placed in the centre of the film poster suggests its importance. Underneath this text is a close up of one of the men in the film. The bottom half of his face has been cut off by the camera suggesting that he took the picture himself. This reflects the actual film as the whole movie has been done by the men themselves using a hand-held camera, and this image allows the audience to get a sense of this type of movie. The name of the title is directly below the image of the student and it is in a plain white font. It is a bigger size to the rest of the text, but is still quite small and may confuse the audience. Underneath the title are all the names of the companies involved in this movie, and the logos of their companies are also shown. This font is also in white keeping the whole poster consistent with just two colours; black and white. This reflects the trailer as the trailer is in black and white as well and allows the audience to expect a similar thing in the film.

The poster for this film has very dark, consistent colours. These are black, dark blue and a dark green/aqua colour. These reflect the genre of the film as horror film posters usually use dark colours. The names of the actors are the top of the poster to allow the audience to firstly see who is in the film as there are no images of who is actually in the film. The font’s used are plain, and very bold (san serif).The main image is of a wax figure lying down, and melting. This gives the audience an idea of what the film is actually about. The image is the largest aspect of the poster, as it draws attention to the poster. It is placed quite high in the poster, and the bottom half of its face is in shadow giving the impression of the unknown. Underneath the image is the tag line of the film; ‘PREY SLAY DISPLAY’. This tagline is in the same font as the actors’ names’ keeping the poster simple and consistent. Each word of the tagline is on a different line creating emphasis on each word. Underneath the tagline is the title of the film. The title is in a larger font to the rest of the text to show the audience that this is the name, and so they don’t get confused. Again, the font is bold and san serif implying the harshness of the film. The colours reflect the image of the wax woman, highlighting the consistency. The consistent dark colours attract the audiences’ attention as they can see how the image and title all link together. Since the colour of the tagline and actors’ names’ are the same, it suggest that the tagline is applying to them. Below the title are all the names of the production companies and those involved in the making of the film allowing the audience to see whether it is a mainstream or independent movie. The colour of these names is again the same as the image and title. The production company logos are also shown. Directly below these names is the release date. The size of this font is bigger than the production company names and the colour is also different so that the audience will be able to clearly see which section is together. The background of the poster is black, giving the poster an overall dull, dark, mystery feel, attracting the audience as they might want to know what the poster looks like, or what the film is about.

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